Realistic Custom Self - Defense, Customized for Men, Women, and Adolescents (Ages 12 and up)

 Customize Your Self Defense! > > >   Classes Starting NOW - Private or Group or Regular Classes >>>   JOIN NOW!! >>>   Krav Maga Combined with the Best of Martial Arts >>>    Women's self-defense Seminar - March 30th 12-3pm  - Call to register or register online! >>>   LIVE ONLINE Classes Coming Soon!! >>>   Call to Schedule Private or group Classes >>>   CALL NOW!!






Customized Self Defense for Women!

*Next 3 hr Course MArch 30th, 2025 from 12-3pm - Only $30 - Register

Women have the right to defend themselves, and at Custom Self Defense we focus on giving you practical ways to do just that. Although we encourage women to implement any techniques on this site, these are tailored with the woman in mind. Don't be a statistic, learn techniques that have been tested under stress and have been proven to work.
We also offer Women's Self Defense Classes from time to time, so keep an eye out on our site for the next course. We will be adding more video's as we get them, and intend to offer a complete online course sometime in the future. 

* * These are tips and tricks to be used to enhance how you defend, counter attack, and execute techniques.
They ARE NOT representative of all the techniques taught in classes which include, ground, knife, gun, open hand, chokes, etc. * *

Introduction to Custom Self Defense. We are always adding more videos as we do them, so check back frequently. Some videos will get a little blurry with fast movements and we apologize, but we feel you can still understand and learn from them

This is an easy way to escape and defend when someone grabs both legs and is pulling or dragging you across the ground. GREAT for WOMEN!! It focuses on bending your knees and using your abdominal muscles to pull you into the attacker, giving you more options to defend and escape, while decreasing the damage done to your body from being dragged.

Here are a few other ways to escape someone who is grabbing your legs while on the ground. One or two handed grabs can be broken by using circular movement, kicking and pulling back, chopping and pulling back with the other foot, turning to your side to break, or by pulling yourself in to increase your strength and ability to break the hold.

Falling properly is essential to protecting yourself and being able to defend. If you fall incorrectly and get injured, it can delay your defense, leaving you helpless. Learn to fall correctly so you can decrease or eliminate your odds of being injured while falling.

There is another, multiple view Brek Fall video link at the bottom of this page - Or - Click Here! to view.

This video focuses on how to get up correctly from a break fall. Many times we get up sloppy and it is important to get to your feet properly so you can defend as you get up if needed. I also have a link to another break fall video below - or Click Here!

Watch More Video's by Clicking Below!

Or attend a class or Seminar Register Here!


Book on Tri-Block System
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Contact Us for Martial Arts Instruction, Self-defense Training, or On-line training lessons
Women's self-defense, Kung Fu, Krav Maga. Burlington - Twin Lakes, Wisconsin.

Serving the Grayslake, Round Lake, Fox Lake, Gurnee, Mchenry, Spring Grove, Antioch, Mundelein, and Lindenhurst, IL areas. Lessons include Self-defense, Kung Fu, Women's defense, Commando Krav Maga, Israeli fighting, systems, Reality based training, hand to hand tactics, martial arts instruction.